低温和常温塑胶砂粒是无锡聚合主要产品,该产品应用于去除橡胶、精密注塑、压铸零部件在成型过程中所产生的毛边。 冷冻修边工艺是橡塑等零部件制造业广泛使用的毛边修整方式,随着该技术的成熟和发展,现已成为全球制造业领域不可或缺的常规生产技术。冷冻修边生产中耐低温塑胶砂粒的品质至关重要,由于冷冻修边生产需要在-10℃~-120℃的环境中进行,良好的耐低温性能,超强的抗冲击强度,精准的塑胶粒尺寸,有效的抗静电能力等性能的表现将最终决定冷冻修边生产的效果和运行成本. 在欧洲,我们的产品是橡塑零部件制造客户的主要选择,今天DIEBLAST产品也正努力与在中国的用户共同谋求发展与创新的未来. 我们为中国冷冻修边机用户提供:冷冻修边用粒子 耐寒胶粒 塑料砂 PC砂 去披锋 低温砂冷冻砂 塑料粒子 塑胶砂 液氮砂 冷冻粒子 耐低温粒子 弹丸 冷冻修边颗粒 冷冻修边砂 液氮修边 低温喷丸 Dieblast Systems is the brand name for a range of high performance shotblasting compounds manufactured from engineering polymers and polymer alloys. While the company’s principal activity is to provide the plastics and rubber industry with an independent development and manufacturing facility for the production of deflashing blast media, it also supplies specialist shotblast compounds to the electronic, medical and aerospace industries. Dieblast Systems products are manufactured exclusively by Profile Deflashing CompoundsLimited in England and available throughout the world via a range of partner companies who hold specialist knowledge of our industry. The rapid development of cryogenic shotblasting has placed Dieblast Systems as a leader in this field. With Partner Company’s located worldwide, Dieblast products can be found in over 30 different countries. Many multi-national companies in the rubber industry require the same high quality cryogenic deflashing systems at each of their different manufacturing locations. Dieblast Systems are pleased to provide not only the specialist products to achieve this goal but the supply side logistics and technical service demanded in today’s market. P.D.C. / Dieblast are proud of the reputation that our products and company have gained in the past 25 years and if we can provide any mission statement it is that and we do not intend to compromise our reputation in the next 25 years. |
公司名称: | 无锡聚合科技有限公司 | 公司类型: | 企业单位 (销售 服务) |
所 在 地: | 江苏/无锡 | 公司规模: | 0人 |
注册资本: | 51万人民币 | 注册年份: | 2011 |
资料认证: | |
保 证 金: | 已缴纳 0.00 元 |
经营模式: | 销售 服务 |
经营范围: | 冷冻修边用粒子 耐寒胶粒 塑料砂 PC砂 去披锋 低温砂冷冻砂 塑料粒子 塑胶砂 液氮砂 冷冻粒子 耐低温粒子 弹丸 冷冻修边砂 液氮修边 低温喷丸 |